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Lebensgemeinshaft Birkenhof

The community of 'Birkenhof' is an inpatient facility for adults with mental challenges. The purpose of the facility is providing assistance to the individuals pursuant to German social code.

The 50 acre facility is located in northern Germany about 9 miles east of the town of Lüneburg in the village of Neetze.

The term 'Lebensgemeinschaft' (life community) means to us the 'living and working together of people with special needs, the employees and their families in family-like living concepts'. 

Therapies are available for example in the form of curative eurythmy and speech therapy with theatre productions, rhythmic massage and physiotherapy. Medical care is provided in collaboration with an anthroposophical family doctor and an anthroposophical psychiatrist.


The workshops are for woodworking, weaving and textiles, a home economic department and the firewood & gardening department and offer employment for all residents. Items being produced in the Wood Workshop include hand carved toys and fairytale castles (brand name Birkenhof) and high quality coat hangers made of different types of wood.

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