Main Lesson & Exercise Books
The Main Lesson books of Mercurius International are procured from the Karl Shubert Workshops in Germany.
The basis of Karl Schubert workshops, is based on Rudolf Steiner's vision of a socio-therapeutic community. While working with people who need care, a holistic picture of mankind, social participation as well as artistic and therapeutic elements become the essential tasks and objectives. New experiences and insights are always gained while dealing with their illness and disability.
The Karl-Schubert workshops are a social-therapeutic work community. They are acknowledged as a workshop for disabled people in 260 authorized places. They manufacture their own products, do contract work and also work in the services sector for making various aspects of these forms of work fruitful. The cared employees experience the entire sequence of production of these self made products, from their manufacturing to their distribution. Contract work contributes important additional working moments in the workshops and through collaboration with the industry; the employees are able to experience a productive economic experience. Services enable a direct contact with the customer as they require special attention and responding to special customer requests. Various materials such as wood, wool, clay, beeswax, metal or bread dough etc speak through their different potentials and their unique souls. Their wide range of different workshop groups is thus making it possible to respond to different individual needs of employees in need of care.