Using the Stockmar Wax Blocks & Crayons
Basic experiences like feeling, grasping and shaping act on the child's brain and have a positive effect on the sensory motor development. In today's world such a stimulus is more important than ever before. Stockmar products create a positive impression due to the underlying educational and artistic ideas which inform their creation. Based on the principles of Waldorf School education, the Stokmar crayons are deliberately designed to appeal to the child's senses. In our technological world, 'virtual reality' often replaces genuine experience. Stockmar products are aimed at providing genuine artistic experience which develop and enhance the senses. As with all of the the Stockmar products, the progression of Block to Stick crayon is well thought out and designed to support the outfolding of the senses and the different stages of the developing child. Beyond early childhood the Stockmar Wax Crayons offer many advanced techniques for the budding artist or explorer of colour and texture.
Here are some tutorials for using the Stockmar Crayons:
Getting Started and Experimenting with Stockmar Block and Stick Crayons
Basic Techniques with Stockmar Wax Crayons
Painting and Layering with Stockmar Beeswax Crayons
Etching (Sgraffito) with Stockmar Beeswax Crayons
Advanced exploration of Stockmar Beeswax Crayons with Heat